Then I try to remove all "photozoom" word in regedit. Then I thought this key has been blacklisted so I disconnected the internet. I did try to extract in other folder, then rename the folder. Try to delete Data (or extract in another place using browse button). The same key works in my other PC but NOT in my main PC :( Thank you for answering but it still says: "The unlock information you entered is invalid". Photozoom Pro 6 portable suddenly says invalid key at startup in my windows 8 :( But it runs well in my other windows 8 PC. Thanks, but it is for 6.0.2 and does not work it echoes that this code is for version 5, use a code appropriate for version 6. X:\PhotoshopPortable\App\PhotoshopCS6\Plug-ins\
inside archive go to 'App\PhotoshopCS3\Plug-ins\' directory & copy/extract the folder 'PhotoZoom Pro 5 Export' to X:\PortableApps\PhotoshopPortable\App\PhotoshopCS6\Plug-ins\ Should not but if "it's very important" for you, test with an uninstaller or a registry comparator. Hi Bernat, excuse me, you admit that all your applications don't write into the registry? For me it's very important because I'm building a graphic suite with all your packages. I tried it that way too.but unable to install.

X:\PortableApps\PhotoshopPortable\App\PhotoshopCS6\Plug-ins\ unable to select for photoshop portable cs6. But 'PhotoZoom Export 5.0.4 for Portable Photoshop' isn't working.